

小编:简简单单时间:2017-09-04 18:04:01   来源:游戏堡整理

第六关 Rosewood

本章包含3个场景:Victoria's Ward, Orphanage Halls, Central Heating

Challenge Conditions and Criteria
Chameleon Collect the following Disguises  (see Items): Henchman, Rosewood Security Guard 收集制服:爪牙的制服,保安的制服
Evidence  Collector Collect the evidence in  Orphanage Halls and Central Heating 收集2个证据:1孤儿院大堂,电梯附近的桌面; 2中央暖气房,在某个箱子上,需引诱开敌人
Infiltrator Complete the chapter without  being spotted. Victoria's Ward, Orphanage Halls, Central Heating
Suit  Only Complete the chapter without  using a disguise. Victoria's Ward, Orphanage Halls, Central Heating
Good  Samaritan Save the imprisoned guard by  taking out his torturers. 干掉拷问者,就出被囚的保安
Out of  Fuse Collect all four fuses without  being spotted 收集四个保险丝
Playing  with Balls Hide enemy bodies in the 1F ball  pen in the Orphanage's nursery. 将5个敌人的尸体藏在一楼的娱乐室的波波池里
Face  Off Kill Wade without being spotted.  47 entering point-shoot mode counts as being spotted. 不被发现地干掉Wade,可以打开火炉的开关,用火喷死他
The  Mercenary Clear mission
Subtle  Injection Part 1 Find the syringe in the  infirmary or medicine room and throw the item like a knife for condition.  Must be three kills in one quick string (no checkpoint restarts or too much  time passed); note that a blood pool is created when someone is  stealth-killed in this manner. 在实验室取得注射器,当做武器连杀3人,时间不能用得太长
Subtle  Injection Part 2 Find the syringe in the  infirmary or medicine room and throw the item like a knife for condition.  Must be four kills in one quick string (no checkpoint restarts or too much  time passed); note that a blood pool is created when someone is  stealth-killed in this manner. 在实验室取得注射器,当做武器连杀4人,时间不能用得太长
Subtle  Injection Part 3 Find the syringe in the  infirmary or medicine room and throw the item like a knife for condition.  Must be five kills in one quick string (no checkpoint restarts or too much  time passed); note that a blood pool is created when someone is  stealth-killed in this manner. 在实验室取得注射器,当做武器连杀5人,时间不能用得太长


Item Location
Disguise  - Henchman Wade's Joker-esque henchmen wear these stupid disguises. Wade的爪牙的制服
Disguise  - Rosewood Security The rent-a-cop being tortured in  Orphanage Halls has this disguise. Wearing it, 47 will be attacked  immediately by other enemies. 孤儿院那个被拷打的保安的制服
SA .44  Auto After killing Wade, he will drop  this weapon. 干掉Wade之后掉落的武器。先从右侧管道爬过去,然后不要动火炉的开关,直接过去用枪,打死后要快速过去取枪,只有两三秒时间
Aries  24-7 The handguns carried by enemies  in this chapter. 敌人的武器
Aries  Charging Ram A powerful revolver firing +P  ammunition. Used by some enemies in this chapter, but one can be found on the  long counter of the Orphanage's information desk on the first floor. 一种强力弹药,部分敌人有,一楼的问询台有
Zug TMP PDWs used by enemies in this  chapter. 敌人的自动武器
M590  12GA Shotgun found in the Orphanage's  chapel and by any back-up enemies who spawn to an alert. 敌人用的散弹枪
Book Several of these are placed  around the Orphanage level. 书,孤儿院里
Bottle Central Heating has an abundance  of discarded bottles. 瓶子
Fire  Axe Found in the Orphanage hallways.消防用斧,孤儿院走廊
Fire  Extinguisher Found in the Orphanage. 灭火器,孤儿院
Gasoline  Can Found in the Oprhanage and  Central Heating. 汽油罐,孤儿院和中央暖气房
Knife Found in Central Heating 刀,中央暖气系统
Toy  Robot An item in the Oprhanage. 玩具机器人,孤儿院
Syringe The infirmaries of the Orphanage  has some. 注射器,孤儿院实验室
Fuse Large fuses used to power potent  devices. 保险丝
版本:中文版 | 大小:1034008

