

小编:简简单单时间:2017-09-04 18:04:01   来源:游戏堡整理

第十五关 Skurky's Law

本章含3个场景:Courthouse, Holding Cells, Prison

Challenge Conditions and Criteria
Chameleon Collect the  following Disguises (see Items): Court Security Guard, Court Usher, Tin Foil  Hat Man, Judge, Hope Police Officer 收集制服:法庭警卫,法庭引导员,锡纸帽男人, 法官,警察
Evidence Collector Collect the  evidence in Courthouse, Holding Cells, Prison 收集3个证据

Evidence  1

Courthouse.  In the security room behind the front desk. 第一场景,前台后面的警卫室里

Evidence  2

Holding Cell.  On the table in the room with the exit. 第二场景,在出口的房间的桌面上

Evidence  3

Prison. In  the dark storage room past the security gate, but before the fight pit. 第三场景,过了安全门,没进入打斗前,黑暗的储物房里
Infiltrator Complete the  chapter without being spotted. Courthouse, Holding Cells, Prison
Suit Only Complete the  chapter without using a disguise. Courthouse, Holding Cells, Prison
Obstruction Turn off the  video evidence in the courtroom. You will have to wait for the video to start  first (about 3 minutes after the stage starts). There are two video stations  - one in the courtroom's 2F and one in the judge's private chambers. 关掉审判室的电视录像。你必须开局后等3分钟,等录像开始,有2个录像站点,一个在审判室2楼,一个在法官的私人房间
No Collateral Damage Clear the  mission with no casualties. Subdual is okay (as long as you don't have 47  break necks). 不杀任何人完成任务,允许徒手制服
Take the Fall Take the Tin  Foil Hat Man disguise and get the judge to sentence 47 to jail. Enter the  Holding Cells and walk to your cell. 穿锡纸帽男人的服装,让法官判47入狱,进入牢房,自己走进舱室
Take Office Take the  judge's disguise and enter the Holding Cells. 穿法官的服装,进入监狱
One Man Riot Find the  glass shiv in the evidence room in Courtroom, then stealth kill 10 enemies.  Do not throw the weapon, or the counter may reset. 在审判室的证物房找到玻璃刀,暗杀10个敌人,不要用飞刀,否则重新计数
So Close Yet So Far Clear mission
Judgment Day Part 1 While dressed  as the judge, you must subdue the court usher in the library, and dump his  body in the closet undetected. 穿法官的衣服,制服1个引导员,藏尸到柜子里并不被发觉
Judgment Day Part 2 Same as part  1, only now you have to subdue 3 ushers and dump their body unseen. 跟Part 1相同,制服3个引导员
Judgment Day Part 3 Once you have  a acquired the judge's uniform, exit through the window and go to the side  entrance. Head for the bathroom and kill the tinfoil-hat man with the gavel. 取得法官衣服,跳窗出去,去到侧门,前往洗手间,用小木槌杀掉锡纸帽男人


Item Location
Disguise - Judge The lone  judge in the courtroom. 法官制服
Disguise - Court Security Guard The uniformed  security in the courtroom 法庭警卫
Disguise - Court Usher The orange  vested clerks in the courtroom 引导员,橙色马甲
Disguise - Hope Police Officer Police in the  prison and holding cells 警察,在监狱和羁留室
Disguise - Tin Foil Hat Man The crazy  defendant 那个疯子被告
Zug TMP The evidence  room next to the exit in the Courtroom 微冲,审判室出口旁的证物室
Z&M Model 60 Revolver used  by police 左轮,警察的
STG 58 Elite Assault rifle  used by back up units 自动步枪,增援部队用的
M590 12Ga Found in the  Courtroom level in two rooms. Also inside the evidence room by the courtroom  exit. 散弹枪,证物室有
STG 58 In the Prison  safe. Safe code required from rescuing prisoner at the start of the Prison;  otherwise safe remains locked. 在监狱保险箱里,需救下第三场景一开始时的囚犯,获得密码才能开启
Baseball Bat In cell  before the Prison exit. 棒球棍,在监狱出口前的舱室
Book Courtroom 2F  office room by library 书,审判室2楼的办公室,图书馆旁
Dummy Arm The evidence  room next to the exit in the Courtroom 假肢,在证物室
Fire Extinguisher Various  places. 灭火器,多处
Wrench Various  places. 扳手,多处
Glass Shiv The evidence  room next to the exit in the Courtroom 玻璃刀,证物室
Golf Club In the  judge's quarters 高尔夫球杆,在法官的宿舍
Hammer Various  places. 锤子,多处
Gavel Subdue or  kill the judge for item. 小木槌,杀或制服法官后获得
Keycard In the  keycard locked room with the policeman. You can lure out the policeman, and  then follow him through the opened door to the security room and the keycard. 钥匙牌,在一个被锁的房间里,你可以引诱开警察,跟着他进入警卫室,取得钥匙牌
Knife At the bottom  of the stairs just before the room with the evidence in the level, Holding  Cell. 刀,在楼梯底,证物室之前
Police Baton unknown 警棍,未知
Sledge Hammer In Prison.  Corner of hallway before the fight pit. 大锤,第三场景,走廊的角落,进入打斗点前
Radio In the  courtroom room opposite the keycard locked door. 收音机,在需钥匙牌进入的房门对面的房子里
Screwdriver By the prison  control booth 螺丝刀,在监狱控制室
Statue Bust Courtroom 雕像,在审判室
Tomahawk On a shelf in  the storage room with a court security guard outfit out by the parking lot. 战斧,在储物室的架子上,附近有警卫制服
Vase Courtroom 花瓶,审判室里



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