

小编:简简单单时间:2017-09-04 18:04:01   来源:游戏堡整理

第十一关 Dexter Industries

本章包含4个场景:Dead End, Old Mill, Descent, Factory Compound

Challenge Conditions and Criteria
Chameleon Collect the following Disguises  (see Items): Arms Dealer, Factory Guard, Truck Driver, Chipmunk Costume 收集制服:军火商,工厂警卫,货车司机,花栗鼠戏服
Evidence  Collector Collect the evidence in Dead  End, Old Mill, Descent, Factory Compound 收集4个证据:1Dead End场景,走到尽头的建筑,出口所在,闭路电视旁的电台处; 2上楼后,一个大油罐旁的类似老式电视机的东西那;3Descent场景,过了矿洞,用钥匙牌开的铁栏之后的那个房间里,有两个警卫在交谈 的;4Factory Compound场景,大堂的问讯台上
Infiltrator Complete the chapter without  being spotted. Dead End, Old Mill, Descent, Factory Compound
Suit  Only Complete the chapter without  using a disguise. Dead End, Old Mill, Descent, Factory Compound
Sore  Loser Eliminate the guards playing the  videogame and destroy the game console (shoot the TV below it). Descent场景,干掉2个在玩电子游戏的警卫,然后破坏游戏机(射击电视机)
Cliffhanger Send a guard flying by yanking  them out the window (defenestration). 让2个警卫飞出窗外(似乎尸体也算)
New Toys Use a Proximity Mine to kill  five enemies (all at once or piecemeal). 用地雷干掉5个敌人(一次性或逐个)
Seal the  Deal Enter the lobby unseen 不被发现地进入大堂
Packing  Heat Enter the storage rooms in Dead  End and Factory Compound. A keycard is required. One can be found in one of  the shacks in Dead End, but there is one in each of the other levels. 分别进入Dead End和Factory Compound的储物室。需要钥匙牌,其中一个在Dead End的一个棚子里,其它楼层各有一个
Infiltration Clear mission
Under  the Bridge Part 1 Factory Compound. Snipe an enemy  at the bridge with no suspicion or alarm raised using the Kazo TRG 在Factory Compound场景,用狙击枪干掉1个桥上的敌人,不引发任何警报或怀疑
Under  the Bridge Part 2 Factory Compound. Snipe three  enemies at the bridge with no suspicion or alarm raised using the Kazo TRG  and within 10 seconds. 在Factory Compound场景,10秒内用狙击枪干掉3个桥上的敌人,不引发任何警报或怀疑(有一定的时间限制,开始到右侧的岗楼上,等2个哨都在左边的时候,迅 速爆头,必须爆头而且尸体掉下悬崖才算,然后自己迅速奔到左侧的悬崖大树下,等待最后一个哨放弃警戒回归岗位,再次爆头,搞定)
Under  the Bridge Part 3 Factory Compound. Snipe three  enemies (do it again) at the bridge with no suspicion or alarm raised using  the Kazo TRG 在Factory Compound场景,用狙击枪干掉3个桥上的敌人,不引发任何警报或怀疑(时间更短,但无需保证尸体掉下悬崖,按Part 2的顺序杀,无需换射击位置)


Item Location
Disguise  - Factory Guard The enemies who wear desert tan  body armor and BDUs 工厂警卫制服,穿沙漠迷彩防弹衣的
Disguise  - Truck Driver The red shirt enemies at the  Factory Compound 货车司机制服,红色衣服
Disguise  - Chipmunk Costume The second storeroom locked by  the keycard lock in the Factory Compound map. 花栗鼠戏服,Factory Compound场景,过桥后最左侧的储物室,需钥匙牌进入的
Disguise  - Arms Dealer Unique disguise at the Factory  Compound map. The NPC is by the red sports car.军火商制服,在红色跑车旁
Aries  24-7 Handgun used by enemies. 手枪
STG 58  Elite Assault rifle used by enemies. 自动步枪
AH 74U Submachinegun used by enemies 冲锋枪
Kazo TRG Sniper rifle found at the mouth  of the mine exit in Factory Compound and in the rooftop room of the factory  building. 狙击枪,在Factory Compound里的矿坑出口,和工厂建筑的屋顶的房间
Hammer Junk object found in various  spots. 锤子,多处有
Bottle Found in abundance. 瓶子,很多
Wrench Found here and there. 扳手,到处是
Proximity  Mine (type 1) This proximity mine is the  deployable ones from the storage rooms and Descent. 地雷一型,在储物室和楼下
Proximity  Mine (type 2) This mine is on display in the  lobby of the Factory Compound. It is a live piece of ordinance. 地雷二型,在大厅展示
Gasoline  Can Found here and there 汽油罐,到处有
Axe Embedded in a stump at the start  of Dead End 斧头,在Dead End一开始处,一个树桩上
Dummy  Arm Found in a storage room. Check  both. 假肢,在储物室
Key Card Found Dead End, Old Mill and  Factory Compound 钥匙牌
Knife Factory Compound. Right outside  the bathroom to the right of the bridge where you can see a trucker. Also in  the same room where the Remote Explosive can be found. 刀,Factory Compound场景,洗手间外,桥的右前方的房间里
Metal  Pipe Junk item found here and there. 金属管,到处有
Radio On a table in Descent 收音机,楼下一张桌子上
Remote  Explosive Factory Compound. In a room  accessible from the roof where a single guard patrols 遥控炸弹,Factory Compound场景,从屋顶进入的房间里,由一个警卫把守的
Screwdriver Item found here and there. 螺丝刀,到处有
版本:中文版 | 大小:1034008

