

小编:简简单单时间:2017-09-04 18:04:01   来源:游戏堡整理

第十四关 Attack of the Saints

共3个场景:Parking Lot, Reception, Cornfield

Challenge Conditions and Criteria
Chameleon Collect the  following Disguises (see Items): Scarecrow, Agency Soldier, Agent 47's Suit 收集制服:稻草人装,士兵,47自己的西装
Evidence Collector Collect the  evidence in Parking Lot, Reception, Cornfield 收集3个证据

Evidence  1

Parking. In  the parking lot by the blue SUV. 第一个场景,在停车场蓝色的SUV那

Evidence  2

Reception. On  the containers near the gasoline pumps. 第二场景,在油泵附近的箱子上

Evidence  3

Cornfield.  Near the camper where Jacqueline Moore steps out of the cornfield and into  the clearing. Like other evidence, it's on some Agency containers. 第三场景,在第二个修女(被电死的是第一个)停留的房车前,在几个箱子上
Infiltrator Complete the  chapter without being spotted. Parking Lot, Reception, Cornfield
Suit Only Complete the  chapter without using a disguise. Parking Lot, Reception, Cornfield
Intervene Save the two  civilians in Parking Lot and Reception by killing their Agency captors.  杀掉特工,救下第一和第二场景被抓住的市民
Black Widower Parking Lot.  Kill the target by poisoning the coffee with rat poison. The rat poison is in  the corner of the motel's first floor. The drink to poison is on the far bar  on the mini-golf course. 第一场景,用鼠药投毒进咖啡,毒死目标。鼠药在旅馆一楼的角落,饮品在迷你高尔夫球道尽头
Electro Cute Cornfield.  Electrocute the target by re-wiring the power cable and turning on the  generator. 第三场景,电死目标,一开始第一个路口拐 右,第一个房子,旁边有拖拉机的
Skirt Chaser Black Widower  and Electro Cute challenges done. 完成以上2个挑战
Scarecrow Cornfield.  Dress as the Scarecrow, then kill 10 enemies without being spotted. 第三场景,穿上稻草人装,不被发现地杀10个敌人
A Calm Before the Storm Clear mission
Angel of Death Part 1 Kill two  targets with one accident. The two Radonic sisters in Reception can be killed  with a single gasoline station explosion. 制造一次事故同时杀死2个目标。在接待处的两个修女可以利用油站爆炸干掉
Angel of Death Part 2 During your second playthrough of this level, you can complete this challenge by eliminating all agency soldiers and Saints without being seen. Use alot of distractions so that you can sneak up on enemies and kill them without being spotted. 你第二次玩这一关的时候,如果不被发现地干掉所有特工和修女,即可获得。多利用工具引诱敌人
Angel of Death Part 3 To complete it, kill all of the Saints using the Fiberwire. This is not difficult since you use the Fiberwire to kill three of them normally. The key to completing this is to lure away the soldiers near the Saints with distractions so you can get in close enough to kill the Saints. The Saints in the reception area are easily lured into areas where you can kill them out of sight. Finally to kill Cain, sneak into the shack and hide in the container. Then, when she comes in to use the sink, climb out and garrote her. 用绳索杀死所有修女。
Item Location
Disguise - Agent 47's Suit In the white  bag where 47 starts. 47的西服
Disguise - Scarecrow Cornfield.  The first shack directly across from where 47 starts. 稻草人装,第三场景,一开始,横过马路,穿越玉米地走到尽头,左前方(没人的)房子前的稻草人那
Disguise - Agency Soldier Enemies in  this chapter 特工
Agency Jagd P22G One or two  enemies carry one. One of them is in the Parking Lot. 手枪,最终捡起手机完成任务前,旁边的桌子上
The Absolver LaSandra  Dixon carries this. Collect it from the target.  最终修女头目LaSandra  Dixon的枪
Agency ARZ 160 Enemy  firearms 敌人的步枪
Agency Dynamics CPW Each of the  subordinate Saints carry one. 每个修女都带着
Agency SPS 12 Found in  preset areas. One is in Parking, where the civilian is executed. 散弹枪,在停车场,市民被处决的地方
Agency Tanto Knife Parking area  where civilian is executed. 刀,在停车场,市民被处决的地方
Axe Found near  the Scarecrow shack. 斧头,在捡起修女手机完成本关前,找找附近一个砖头砌的矮围墙前
Baseball Bat Inside  Reception. 棒球棍,接待处里
Bill Spike Counter of  Reception. 插账单的针座,接待处柜台
Brick Found in  various places. 砖头,多处
Cleaver In the BBQ  area (Reception) 切肉刀,第二场景,烧烤区
Crowbar The small  outdoor disposal area in Reception 撬棍,第二场景,户外垃圾场
Dog's Bone A shed near  LaSandra's position in Cornfield. 狗骨,第三场景,一开始,横过马路,穿越玉米地走到尽头,左前方(没人的)房子前的稻草人旁边
Fire Extinguisher Several  locations. 灭火器,多处
Golf Club Mini-golf  course. 高尔夫球杆,在迷你高尔夫球道
Hula Girl One of the  bars in Parking. 玩具娃娃,第一场景,其中一家酒吧
Iron Room where  47's starts in. 熨斗,47一开始的房间里
Gasoline Can Parking and  Reception. 汽油罐
Metal Pipe Various  spots. 金属管,第一个场景,刚下2楼的停车场里,一共有两辆燃烧的汽车,在其中一辆车屁股顶着的水泥墙中,被钢筋网围在里面  (绕着两辆车仔细的绕就能看见)
Rat Poison Corner of the  motel's first floor, on a cleaning cart. 鼠药,旅馆一楼的角落里,在清洁车上
Radio In the  Reception's BBQ area. 收音机,第二场景,烧烤区
Remote Explosive The Agency  set-up area behind the big tour bus in Parking 遥控炸弹,第一场景,大型旅游巴士后面,特工装备区
Wrench Several spots 扳手,多处
Bottle Numerous. 瓶子,很多
版本:中文版 | 大小:1034008

