
《Stone Story RPG》石之脚本指南翻译

小编:简简单单时间:2019-08-24 11:52:29   来源:游戏堡整理



?hp < 10

activate potion

loadout 1

?loc = rocky

equip shovel

?foe = poison

equipL crossbow




Things that are planned, but not yet in the game:

?ai.enabled True if the AI is ON, False if the AI is off (e.g. during a cinematic moment)

?has = potion Evaluates if there is a potion available to use

?has =Evaluates if the given item is equipped

?hasL =Evaluates if the given item is equipped on the Left

?hasR =Evaluates if the given item is equipped on the Right

?harvest returns the current harvest object targeted by the player

?harvest.distance returns the distance between the player and the target harvest location

var a Declare a new int variable, single character. Up to 26 variables from a to z

= Assign a value to a variable

Variable Operations

+ add two variables

- subtract two variables

++ increment variable

-- decrement variable

* multiply two variables

/ divide two variables

% modulus

: Else logical branch

?key Allows custom key inputs. E.g. ?key = A


?foe.state (cast,perf,cooldown)


brew [resources] Creates a potion at the beginning of a location. E.g.: brew wood stone

> #func Possibility to insert function return values into the print

> #var Possibility to insert variables into the print

> #foe.distance, etc

equipFequips an item to the Faerie

foes The list of foes within 30 units

《Stone Story RPG》石之脚本指南翻译

Stone Story RPG
Stone Story RPG
版本:中文版 | 大小:0

