

小编:简简单单时间:2017-05-10 13:41:35   来源:游戏堡整理













员工#1:Patricia Varma - 搜索Patricia Varma尸体。在公寓外的大厅里,她是死亡的维修女人。离开公寓后,向左移动找到她。




Disruptor Stun Gun:在模拟汇报室中,当您输入时,跳到左侧的大型蓝色计算机银行设备,以查找收藏的物品。



员工:格雷特•米克尔森(Grete Mikkelsen) - 走上楼梯,走向去污,沿着左路进入进口通道,在走道上找到尸体。

员工:Jovan Gravilovic - 另一只尸体在二楼的解密室中直接发现。

电子邮件#3,#4,#5 +:进入二楼研究设计办公室(通过去污室),并检查左边的办公室找到一台电脑。检查办公室中的所有电脑,以获得您需要的电子邮件。

电子邮件#6,#7 + Boltcaster制造计划:在研究和设计部门,打破锁定的电脑收集丢失的电子邮件,以及Boltcaster制造计划。



员工:Veer Singh - 在模拟实验室的GLOO枪尸体上。

Neuromod x1:在展示柜中找到,超出了GLOO枪下降位置,通过锁门,需要模拟实验室键。该MOD在一个大的“NEUROMOD”标志下。


员工:Robert Gage - 前往Transtar休息区的会议室。检查尸体将其添加到您的名册。


员工:Natasha Nikova - 尸体从Transtar门厅的安全站的屋顶上悬挂着。

员工:Jioa-Long Heng - 尸体被发现在门厅的隔离浴室。您需要使用杠杆1来移动重的箱子并爬上。


员工+破坏者眩晕枪:V-010255-01 - 志愿者测试门左侧发现了带有Disruptor Stun Gun的志愿者。







员工:Divya Naaz + Richard Ivers - 尸体被发现在您通过维护舱进入制造区域时首先遇到的车间。一个在地上,另一个坐在椅子上。

员工+哈尔登格雷夫斯办公室钥匙卡:弗雷德里克·斯蒂尔(Frederick Steele) - 这个主要制造楼层的尸体是把钥匙卡拿到格雷夫斯办公室。

电子邮件#1,#2:在Halden Graves办公室的计算机上,位于Fabrication区的二楼。

转录:在Halden Graves办公室的大型会议室桌子上。

员工:哈尔登格雷夫斯 - 他的尸体与他的主要办公室在连接的房间。他坐在角落里,里面装着很多东西。

Neuromod制造计划:您将找到最好的制造计划之一。这是在Halden Graves的办公室,在带有转录音频日志的会议桌上。


[Work-in-Progress: There is a truly massive amount of stuff in Prey. We'll circle back and add anything we missed.]

There are many, many collectibles available to collect in Prey. To help you find them all, we're going to list how to find them all, and which rooms in the station you'll need to search to get them.

Yu's Apartment

Email #1, #2, #3: In the apartment, login to Yu's computer to check out three collectibles e-mails.

Yu's Apartment [2nd Visit]

Email #4-#9: When Yu reappears in the apartment, be sure to check the computer and click each individual email.

Employee #1: Patricia Varma - Search the corpse of Patricia Varma. She's the maintenance woman that's dead, in the hall outside the apartment. After exiting the apartment, move left to find her.

Email #10, #11: Look on the computer on the desk when leaving your apartment through the shattered glass window.

Email #12, #13, #14: Enter the Simulation Debriefing office from the main floor and use the post-it-note on the computer to get the password.

Neuromod Lab

Disruptor Stun Gun: In the Simulation Debriefing room, jump onto the large blue computer bank device to the left as you enter to find a stash of items.

Email #1, #2: Into the fake TranStar building, enter the testing room with a row of chambers. Open the computer in the cubicle to find a collectible email you haven't found yet.

Transcribe #1: Near the previous computer, look for the "EXIT" marked door in the hall. There's a small table to the right of the door with your first audio transcribe.

Employee: Grete Mikkelsen - Up the stairs and moving toward Decontamination, follow the left path before entering the decon passage to find the corpse on the walkway.

Employee: Jovan Gravilovic - Another corpse is found on the ground directly after stepping through the decon chamber on the second floor.

Email #3, #4, #5+: Enter the Research & Design office on the second floor (through the decontamination chamber) and check the office to the left to find a computer. Check all the computers in the office to get the e-mails you need.

Email #6, #7 + Boltcaster Fabrication Plan: In the Research & Design office, hack the locked computer to collect missing emails, as well as the Boltcaster Fabrication Plan.

Simulation Lab Keycard: This keycard is located on the desk in Sylvain's office, in the Research & Design area of the Transtar facility.

GLOO Gun: Enter through the locked Simulation Lab door and go left to find a corpse with the GLOO Gun and canisters of ammo on the ground nearby.

Employee: Veer Singh - On the corpse with the GLOO Gun in the Simulation Lab area.

Neuromod x1: Found in the display case, beyond the GLOO Gun drop location through the locked door that requires the Simulation Lab key. The mod is under a large "NEUROMOD" logo.

Weapon Upgrade Kit #1: Hack the door to the security room, in the Transtar lobby with the Neuromod display case.

Employee: Robert Gage - Go to the Conference Room in the Transtar foyer area. Check the corpse to add it to your roster.

Transcribe #2: Check the corpse in the Conference Room and don't forget to take this audio transcribe.

Employee: Natasha Nikova - The corpse is hanging from the roof of the security station in the Transtar foyer.

Employee: Jioa-Long Heng - The corpse is found in the blocked bathroom in the Division foyer. You'll need Leverage 1 to move the heavy crate and crawl inside.

Level 2

Employee + Disruptor Stun Gun: V-010255-01 - The volunteer with a Disruptor Stun Gun is found to the left of the Volunteer Testing door.

Volunteer Quarters

NOTE: Use the code 9758 to enter the Volunteer Quarters.

Disruptor Stun Gun Fabrication Plan: Found on the desk, in the office to the left just as you enter through the main doors.

Empoyees: Two dead employees are found in the locker room of the Volunteer Quarters. The non-volunteer employee's body has plenty of goods you can scavenge.


NOTE: To enter Fabrication, use the maintenance hatch in the security room to the left as you enter the Volunteer Quarters on the second level. Use the GLOO Gun to climb up to Level 3.

Employees: Divya Naaz + Richard Ivers - The corpse is found in the workshop you'll first encounter when entering the Fabrication area through the maintenance hatch. One is on the ground, and the other is sitting in a chair.

Employee + Halden Graves' Office Keycard: Frederick Steele - This corpse in the main Fabrication Floor area is holding the keycard to Graves' office.

Email #1, #2: On the computer in Halden Graves' office, on the second floor of the Fabrication area.

Transcribe: On the large conference room table, in Halden Graves' office.

Employee: Halden Graves - His corpse is in the connecting room to his main office. He's sitting in the corner, and carries lots of items.

Neuromod Fabrication Plan: One of the best Fabrication Plans you'll find. This is found in Halden Graves' office, on the conference table with the transcribe audio log.

There are more areas to explores, doors to unlock and safes to crack in this area. Check back soon for new updates!


版本:中文版 | 大小:19606059

