

小编:简简单单时间:2011-11-14 10:58:36   来源:游戏堡整理


Quests  & Dialogue 任务和对话
Radiant  Story: Many quests are still completely governed by Bethesda, but the Radiant  Story system helps randomize and relate the side quests to players to make  the experience as dynamic and reactive as possible. Rather than inundate you  with a string of unrelated and mundane tasks, it tailors missions based on  who your character is, where you're at, what you've done in the past, and  what you're currently doing. Radiant Story is also smart enough to know which  caves and dungeons you've already visited and thus conditionalize where, for  instance, a kidnapped person is being held to direct you toward a specific  place you haven't been to before, populated with a specific level of enemy.  Skyrim also tracks your friendships and grudges to generate missions. Do a  small favor for a farmer and it may eventually lead to a larger quest. Some  NPCs will even agree to be your companion to help you out in specific  situations. 亮点任务:很多任务还是完全被Bethesda左右着,但是亮点任务系统可以尽可能地动态和互动地给玩家提供随机和相关的支线任务,与一般用主线任务或者无关和普通的任务来把主角淹没,本系统将根据不同角色、不同地点、角色过去的行为和现在的举动来适配不同的任务。亮点任务还能智能化的计算你去过的洞穴和地牢,给出不同的状况,比如,当一个人被绑架了,系统会指引你去往一个你没去过的地方,遭遇一些特定等级的敌人。系统还会根据你的喜恶来产生任务。给一个农民一点小帮助也许就会引出一个大的任务链。某些特定情形下有些NPC甚至会成为你的同伴来帮助你。
Main  Questline is approximately 30 hours. 主线任务大约在30小时。
It's  possible to play after finishing the Main Quest. 主线任务结束后还能继续游戏。
Taverns  will play a large role in getting information, gossip and rumors from a town  as it's naturally where most people go after working, and you can listen to  peoples conversation and learn more about the town and/or Skyrim itself. 旅店是在收集镇上的各种信息、流言和谣言方面扮演重要角色,因为很自然大多数人会在工作后过来喝几杯,你可以在在此听听人们的对话,了解更多镇上的事情,或者天际省本身。
People  will be more vague or specific when talking to you or giving you quests  depending on how much they like you. 人们和你谈话或者给你任务时是否含糊其辞还是很具体,取决于他们对你的认可程度。
There  are more ways to complete quests. 完成任务的方法远远不止于一种。
General  Combat 基本战斗
An  overhauled combat-system. 提高的战斗系统。
Inter-changeable  dual-wielding with both weapons and spells. Dual-wield any combination, even  staffs! 双手武器或者双手魔法或者一只手武器一只手魔法,双持系统可任意组合,甚至法杖。
Staggering  effects and camera shake. 摇晃效果和视角震动。(应指战斗中会有摇晃和震动的效果)
Switching  between loadouts on the fly is made easier thanks to a new quick-select menu  that allows you to "bookmark" all of your favorite spells, shouts,  and weapons for easy access. 新的快速选择菜单可以让你在行囊和魔法中快速切换,你可以标记你喜爱的法术、武器来快速应用。
There  are non-lethal tavern brawls in the game. 游戏里会有一些不致命的酒馆斗殴事件。
There  are more weapon and armor types in Skyrim compared to Oblivion. 和Oblivion相比,Skyrim内的武器和盔甲更多。
Special  kill animations: Depending on your weapon, the enemy, and the fight  conditions, you may execute a devastating finishing move that extinguishes  enemies with a stylistic flourish. 特殊的击杀动作:取决于你的武器、敌人、战斗情况,你可以用一个华丽、有型又毁灭性的终结技来干掉你的敌人。
Specializing  in a particular weapon is often the best way to go, as you can improve your  attacking skills with perks. For instance, the sword perk increases your  chances of landing critical strikes, the axe perk punishes enemies with  bleeding damage after blows, and the mace perk ignores enemy armour. 专注于一种特定的武器是一种好的选择,你可以用奖励点来提高你的攻击技能。比如,投在剑类的奖励点可以提高你释放重击的机会,投入在斧类的奖励点可以在对敌打击后造成出血伤害,而投入在锤类上的奖励点可以使你的打击无视敌人的护甲。
You can  poison your weapon with various types of poison. 你可以用各种各样的毒药来给你的武器上毒。
There is  decapitation. 可以斩首。
There is  no locational damage. 伤害部位没有差别。(遗憾)
Equipment  don't have a durability, so you won't have to repair it. 装备现在没有耐久度啦,所以不需要再修理了。
You can  apply "upgrades" to your equipment. 你可以对你的装备进行升级。
General  Combat 基本战斗
An  overhauled combat-system. 提高的战斗系统。
Inter-changeable  dual-wielding with both weapons and spells. Dual-wield any combination, even  staffs! 双手武器或者双手魔法或者一只手武器一只手魔法,双持系统可任意组合,甚至法杖。
Staggering  effects and camera shake. 摇晃效果和视角震动。(应指战斗中会有摇晃和震动的效果)
Switching  between loadouts on the fly is made easier thanks to a new quick-select menu  that allows you to "bookmark" all of your favorite spells, shouts,  and weapons for easy access. 新的快速选择菜单可以让你在行囊和魔法中快速切换,你可以标记你喜爱的法术、武器来快速应用。
There  are non-lethal tavern brawls in the game. 游戏里会有一些不致命的酒馆斗殴事件。
There  are more weapon and armor types in Skyrim compared to Oblivion. 和Oblivion相比,Skyrim内的武器和盔甲更多。
Special  kill animations: Depending on your weapon, the enemy, and the fight  conditions, you may execute a devastating finishing move that extinguishes  enemies with a stylistic flourish. 特殊的击杀动作:取决于你的武器、敌人、战斗情况,你可以用一个华丽、有型又毁灭性的终结技来干掉你的敌人。
Specializing  in a particular weapon is often the best way to go, as you can improve your  attacking skills with perks. For instance, the sword perk increases your  chances of landing critical strikes, the axe perk punishes enemies with  bleeding damage after blows, and the mace perk ignores enemy armour. 专注于一种特定的武器是一种好的选择,你可以用奖励点来提高你的攻击技能。比如,投在剑类的奖励点可以提高你释放重击的机会,投入在斧类的奖励点可以在对敌打击后造成出血伤害,而投入在锤类上的奖励点可以使你的打击无视敌人的护甲。
You can  poison your weapon with various types of poison. 你可以用各种各样的毒药来给你的武器上毒。
There is  decapitation. 可以斩首。
There is  no locational damage. 伤害部位没有差别。(遗憾)
Equipment  don't have a durability, so you won't have to repair it. 装备现在没有耐久度啦,所以不需要再修理了。
You can  apply "upgrades" to your equipment. 你可以对你的装备进行升级。
Armor 护甲
Cuirass  and Greaves are combined. 胸甲和胫甲现在整合在一起。
Common  armor like leather and steel have a more Nordic feel compared to Oblivion and  Morrowind. 普通的皮甲、铁甲现在比起以往的游戏更具北欧风格。
Confirmed  types of armor: Chain-mail, Steel, Dwarven, Elven, Orcish, Glass, Daedric,  Ebony, Dragon, Leather, Hide, Imperial. 确认会有的护甲:链甲,钢甲,矮人甲,精灵甲,兽人甲,玻璃甲,恶魔甲,乌木甲,龙皮甲,皮甲,兽毛皮甲,帝国甲。
Melee 近战
Magnetism'  in your attacks draws them more towards enemies rather than allies. 磁性在你的攻击中对敌人吸取的比对友军吸取的更多。(4代中我查到有Secunda's  Magnetism,加强魅力20点,吸取运气20点)
You can  bash enemies with your shield. 你可以用你的盾牌猛击敌人。
When  backstabbing characters from the shadows, a dagger deals significantly more  damage than any other type of weapon, making it the perfect tool for an  assassin. 当在阴影中背刺敌人时,匕首比其它任何武器要造成多得多的伤害,无愧于最佳刺杀武器。
You can  use Power Attacks by holding down the attack button, which staggers enemies,  but drains your Stamina. 你可以按住攻击键来释放重击,可以让你的敌人踉跄不止,但是会消耗一定的精力。
Torches  can be used as weapons. 火把也可以用来战斗了。
Hand to  Hand attacks have a much improved gravity and physicality. 徒手战斗极大提高了。
You can  not block while dual-wielding. (Though you can block while wielding a weapon  in your left hand, but not in your right hand.) 你在双持时无法格挡。(但是当你左手装备武器时可以格挡,但右手持武器左手是魔法时无法格挡。)
Confirmed  types of weapons: Iron, Steel, Dwarven, Orcish, Glass, Daedric, Ebony,  Dragon. 确认的武器:铁,钢,矮人,兽人,玻璃,恶魔,乌木,龙。
Archery 弓箭
Ranged  combat has been improved by significantly increasing the damage bows deal,  while making the draw-time longer. 远程攻击被极大的提高了,当拉弓时间延长时,弓箭可以造成更大伤害。
Arrows  are more rare than in Oblivion and Morrowind. 比起前二代,箭矢更加稀有了。
Confirmed  types of weapons: Long Bows, Hunting Bows. 确认的武器:长弓,猎弓。
Magic 魔法
5 Magic  Schools: Destruction, Alteration, Conjuration, Restoration & Illusion. 5中法术分类:毁灭系,改变系,法术召唤系,回复系,幻术系
There  are over 85 spells usable to the player. 玩家有超过85中法术可用。
Spells  needs to be equipped to be cast. 法术也需装备后才能施放。
You can  dual-wield similar spells to double the damage at a higher magicka  consumption. 可以双手同时释放相似的法术来造成更大的伤害,同时消耗更多魔法。
Some  spells can be learned by reading spell tomes, while others can be bought from  merchants. 有些法术可以从法术书上学习,有些需要从商人处购买。
If you  cast a frost spell, you'll see the effects on the enemy's skin. If using a  flame thrower, the environment will catch fire for a short while and burn  anything that comes into contact with it. 如果释放了一个冰霜法术,你可以从敌人的皮肤上看到效果。如果释放了一个火球,周围的环境会烧一会儿,而火球接触到的事物都会烧起来。
Fire  deals the highest amount of damage, shock deals less damage, but drains the  enemy's magicka, while frost deals the least damage, but drains stamina and  slows down enemies physically. 火球的伤害最高,闪电的伤害稍低但能燃烧敌人的魔法,冰霜类法术伤害最低但是可以燃烧敌人的精力,同时让敌人物理移动变慢。
Light  magic sticks to walls. 光类法术粘附在墙上。
There  are robes which will increase your magic capabilities. 有一些长袍可以增强你的法术能力。
版本:中文版 | 大小:14261231

