

小编:简简单单时间:2011-04-12 11:12:48   来源:游戏堡整理



Q1. Dog.

Cat -> Sneak +1
Feed -> Medicine +1
Newspaper -> Melee +1
Train -> Speech +1
Kick -> Unarmed +1
Dinner -> Survival +1
Q2. House.

Shelter -> Survival +1
Burglarize -> Lockpick +1
Renovate -> Repair +1
Target -> Guns +1, Energy Weapons +1
Investment -> Barter +1
Demolish -> Explosives +1
Q3. Night.

Campfire -> Survival +1
Dream -> Science +1
Shroud -> Sneak +1
Sleep -> Medicine +1
Treasure -> Lockpick +1
Silencer -> Guns +1
Q4. Bandit.

Bribe -> Barter +1
Crush -> Unarmed +1
Stab -> Melee +1
Swiss cheese -> Guns +1
Vaporize -> Energy Weapons +1
Reasonable -> Speech +1
Q5. Light.

Dark -> Sneak +1
Heavy -> Unarmed +1
Beam -> Energy Weapons +1
Flash -> Explosives +1
Inspiration -> Science +1
Torch -> Repair +1
Q6. Mother.

Caretaker -> Medicine +1
Genes -> Science +1
Cookie jar -> Lockpick +1
Tantrum -> Barter +1
Tattle -> Speech +1
Regret -> Repair +1
Human shield -> All 5 combat skills (Guns, Energy Weapons, Explosives, Melee, Unarmed) +1
Q7. "Conflict just ain't in my nature."

Strongly agree. -> Sneak, Speech, Barter, Science, Lockpick +2
Agree. -> Sneak, Speech, Barter, Science, Lockpick +1
Disagree. -> All 5 combat skills, Medicine +1
Strongly disagree. -> All 5 combat skills, Medicine +2
Q8. "I ain't given to relying on others for support."

Strongly agree. -> Survival, Medicine, Repair +2
Agree. -> Survival, Medicine, Repair +1
Disagree. -> Barter, Speech, Science +1
Strongly disagree. -> Barter, Speech, Science +2
Q9. "I'm always fixing to be the center of attention."

Strongly agree. -> Explosives, Speech +2
Agree. -> Explosives, Speech +1
Disagree. -> Sneak, Melee, Guns +1
Strongly disagree. -> Sneak, Melee, Guns +2
Q10. "I'm slow to embrace new ideas."

Strongly agree. -> Unarmed, Survival, Melee, Repair, Lockpick +2
Agree. -> Unarmed, Survival, Melee, Repair, Lockpick +1
Disagree. -> Science, Energy Weapons +1
Strongly disagree. -> Science, Energy Weapons +2
Q11. "I charge in to deal with my problems head-on."

Strongly agree. -> Unarmed, Melee +2
Agree. -> Unarmed, Melee +1
Disagree. -> Guns, Energy Weapons, Explosives +1
Strongly disagree. -> Guns, Energy Weapons, Explosives +2
Q12. Rorschach Test 1

A broken chain. -> Repair +1
A chemical reaction. -> Science +1
A shadow in a doorframe. -> Sneak +1
An oozing wound. -> Medicine +1
An angry two-headed ant. -> Survival +1
Q13. Rorschach Test 2

I see a priceless work of art. -> Barter +1
It's some piece of space-age technology. -> Energy Weapons +1
A ship at sea. -> Survival +1
I'm too embarrassed to say what it looks like. -> Speech +1
Q14. Rorschach Test 3

A light in the darkness. -> Science +1
A bearded man. -> Survival +1
A mushroom cloud. -> Explosives +1
A head on a pillow. -> Sneak +1


1. 先看你的SPECIAL属性,以力量为标准,再以感知、耐力、敏捷依序和标准比较来看何者最高,“依序”的意思是如果你感知比敏捷高,且两者都高于力量,那最后还是会以敏捷为判断基准。以下判定都同这种方式。

力量:Melee, Unarmed +1
感知:Energy Weapons, Explosives +1
耐力:Unarmed +1
敏捷:Guns +1

2. 检查你的潜行技能在之前问题答完后是否为前三名,如果是的话,就把潜行设为第三个专长技能,并对适合潜行的战斗技能(Guns, Melee, Unarmed)加权1点。

3. 加权结束,开始决定专长技能,技能分成三大类:战斗、开门(gate-opener)、其他。

第一个专长技能会从战斗类挑一个出来,预设以Guns的分数为标准,因为它算是最泛用的战斗技能。接着依序拿Energy Weapons, Explosives, Melee, Unarmed和标准比较。
第二个专长技能会从开门类挑一个出来,预设以Speech的分数为标准,因为它娱乐效果比较高。接着依序拿Science, Lockpick, Barter和标准比较。
第三个专长技能是所谓的「外卡」(wild card),会从所有类别内挑选。如果在第二步判定时你的潜行不是前三名,就把潜行的分数当成标准,然后依下列顺序拿还没被选为专长的技能和标准比较:Barter -> Energy Weapons -> Explosives -> Lockpick -> Medicine -> Melee -> Repair -> Science -> Guns -> Speech -> Survival -> Unarmed


