



The Space Age Mod is an amazing space travel mod that is pretty simple to learn given the fact that you’ll be manning rockets and landing on the moon. It comes with some pre-made rocket ships but you can essentially build anything into a ship so long as it has the right components so you can fly and won’t die in space.


You’ll need to make sure you have fuel tanks and rocket engines. Currently the fuel is gunpowder. You’ll need several stacks loaded into a hopper for ease of transfer.


You’ll also need an air supply and pressurizer.


And most importantly you’ll need a rocket controller and dimensions settings card to verify what portion of your craft is actually able to fly with you. Otherwise you may be taking part of the earth along for the ride.


Then you’re ready to launch. It’ll take a few moments to reach orbit and you won’t be able to move much in that time due to the G-Force, but it’s like going through a portal as you’re essentially leaving this dimension for another. Be sure to check the forum link below if you need any additional assistance on flying and landing.


Before all of this you’ll need a space suit and oxygen tanks. Then you’re ready to start your moon walking! Gravity is a bit lighter here so your jumps are much higher and longer.


The moon is a fully harvestable world that even has caves and aliens!! Be sure you have some chests on board your ship as you’ll want to take things back with you.


You can travel back into orbit to get back to your home world but you can also build space stations as a mid point between worlds. Be sure you have plenty of oxygen tanks handy and be careful not to get lost in space!




