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《上古卷轴5》DOTA2敌法技能MOD;像DOTA2里的那个敌法师,总之看技能都是近战法师系列,通过技能附魔武器的方式攻击,又或者是完全反魔的抗性等级,感谢“Nexus - Drazhar753”制作,需要的玩家不要错过哦!



女人的等级1 -给予你阴影的标记,使你的魔法恢复到55%,但是增加你抵抗所有魔法的20%。

女人的等级2 -进一步的到阴影,阻碍你的魔法重生5%,但是增加你对所有魔法的抗性5%。

Wombburn等级3 -深入到影子,阻碍你的法师再生5% 5%但增加你抵抗所有魔法和赠款Darkcaster能力,被法术击中后,存储能量奖金法师,法师再生或用它来治愈。

阴影控制等级1 -给予你两个反法师的能力;视觉,灵能叶片。

阴影控制等级2 -给予你更多的抗魔法能力;安静,魔法利器。

阴影控制等级3 -给予你两个反法师的能力;点燃魔法,吞噬魔法。

阴影控制等级4 -给予你两个反法师的能力;法术偷取,阴影步。

暗影大师等级5 -给予你一个反法师异能反魔法区域

天赋等级1 -赋予你的本质字体能力,暂时将你的Magicka部分转移到一个目标。



法师愤怒等级1 -3 -增加你的法师燃烧的魔法10%和你的抗魔法组织5%

恶意的反草案等级1 -增加法术偷取法术的持续时间为25秒,并且从吞噬魔法中恢复的健康比例提高了20%

恶意的反草案等级2 -增加法术偷取法术的持续时间为25秒,从吞噬魔法中恢复的健康百分比为20%。也授予你心灵感应法术

级联阴影等级1 -降低反魔法区域的成本30%。也可以将沉默时间延长到7秒。

级联阴影等级2 -赋予你镜像法术,并增加沉默的持续时间为10秒。

The Perks

Wombburn Rank 1 - Grants you the Mark of Shadow, stunting your magicka regeneration by 55% but increasing your resistance to all magic by 20%.

Wombburn Rank 2 - Delve further into the shadow, stunting your magicka regeneration by 5% but increasing your resistance to all magic by 5%.

Wombburn Rank 3 - Delve further into the shadow, stunting your magicka regeneration by 5% but increasing your resistance to all magic by 5% and grants you the Darkcaster ability, which upon being hit by a spell, stores the energy as bonus magicka and magicka regeneration or use it to heal.

Shadow Mastery Rank 1 - Grants you two Anti-mage abilities; Occulent Sight, and Psionic Blades.

Shadow Mastery Rank 2 - Grants you two more Anti-magical abilities; Silence, and Magic Biter weapon.

Shadow Mastery Rank 3 - Grants you two Anti-mage abilities; Ignite Magicka, and Devour Magic.

Shadow Mastery Rank 4 - Grants you two Anti-mage abilities; Spell Steal, and Shadow Step.

Shadow Mastery Rank 5 - Grants you one Anti-mage ability Anti-Magic Zone

Gifts of the Void Rank 1 - Grants you the Essence Font ability to temporarily transfer a portion of your Magicka into a target.

Gifts of the Void Rank 2 -Grants you the Void Shatter ability; when cast at an enemy, consumes your Dark Charges and deals damage based on how much magicka they are missing from their total.

Gifts of the Void Rank 3 - Increases the magicka transferred with Essence Font by 20%. Also allows you to use a weaker Void Shatter without any dark charges.

Mage Ire Rank 1-3 - Increases the magicka burned by ignite magicka by 10% and your Anti-Magic Weave by 5%

Spiteful Backdraft Rank 1 - Increases the duration of spells stolen by Spell Steal by 25seconds, and the health percentage regained from devour magic by 20%

Spiteful Backdraft Rank 2 - Increases the duration of spells stolen by Spell Steal by 25seconds, and the health percentage regained from devour magic by 20%. Also grants you the Psionic Sentry spell

Cascading Shadows Rank 1 - Reduces the cost of Anti-Magic Zone by 30%. Also increases the duration of Silence to 7 seconds.

Cascading Shadows Rank 2 - Grants you the Mirror Image Spell and increases the duration of Silence to 10 seconds.










点燃Magicka -点燃敌人20%的Magicka,处理150%的Magicka烧伤作为伤害。法师燃烧的魔法等级增加10%。




虚空粉碎-消耗你的黑暗电荷并燃烧一个敌人的魔法,从他们的总能力中消失。每一层的暗电荷都增加了+ 1的伤害。



The Spells

Psionic Blades - Form your magicka into blades along your arms that cut into your enemies' mind as much as their flesh. The blades will burn your enemies' magicka, and allow warding for up to 50 pts of damage when blocking (increased with your alteration skill). Also allows you to project the energy as an energy wave when power-attacking. This spell must be dual-wielded, and will be dispelled if you equip something in either hand. - It also takes 30 of your maximum magicka to maintain the spell now.

I highly suggest getting one of the mods that allow you to block whilst dual-wielding to use with this spell

Anti-Magic Zone - Creates a nullified zone around the caster, which makes all who are within it's bounds almost impervious all forms of magic. The bounds of the sphere now block incoming and outgoing magical projectiles. Casting is near impossible within it's radius, and magicka is greatly reduced.

Dark Mending - Consumes your Dark Charge granted by Dark Caster to heal you. First charge is 20%, second 40% and third is 60% of your total health.

Occulent Sight - Your eyes glow ominously as you now see most forms of magic upon the aether. Be it wielded magic, daedra (vampires too, but not undead) or a creature with high magicka. Adds the ability to detect enchanted items lying around or in a container. Hold the hotkey slightly longer before release to detect magical items, instead of toggling off/on

Devour Magic - Devours minor magic effects from the target to restore health. If the target is an enemy then the spell will devour beneficial magic. If the target is neutral or friendly, the spell instead devours negative effects.

Enhance Weapon - Ignite Magicka - Enchants your weapon with "Ignite Magicka" properties, burning 5% of the targets magicka and dealing 142% of the burned magicka as damage.

Essence Font - Transfer a portion of your magicka capacity to the target, After 10 seconds or if the target dies, the magicka will be restored.

Ignite Magicka - Ignite 20% of the magicka of an enemy, dealing 150% of the magicka burned as damage. The magicka burned is increased by 10% per perk rank of Mage Ire.

Shadow Dancer - Enables or disables your use of Shadow Step. Tapping the assigned hotkey, Shadow Step allows you to blink roughly 3 feet in any direction, but not through obstructions. Holding the hotkey slightly longer before release will instead lets you blink behind an enemy silently if they are in your crosshair and within range.

Silence - Silence an enemy, temporarily cutting off their magicka supply and interrupting their current spell. Any magicka-burn effects will dispel Silence.

Spell Steal - Steal the equipped spells of an opponent for 25 seconds. Beneficial spells will automatically be cast for/on you, and damaging spells will be equipped to the mirrored hand and/or voice.

Void Shatter - Consumes your Dark Charge and burns an enemy for magicka missing from their total capacity. Each level of Dark Charge multiplies the damage by +1.

Mirror Image – Create two illusions of yourself; copying all your currently worn gear as well. These will be equipped with bound weapons based on what you are wielding, and will follow you using a package that makes them stay on either of your flanks. Lasting 30 seconds, they will engage enemies and deal small amounts of damage, they are also not very tough, use them as a distraction! Recasting this spell will destroy existing images.

Psionic Sentry – allows you to place down a small magical sentry wherever you’re looking within 20ft. This sentry will reveal nearby enemies within a small area around it, using detect creature magic. The sentry and those it reveals will be visible to you through walls. The sentry will detect ALL creatures, be them undead, beast, daedra etc. After casting this spell you will be equipped with a ‘trigger’ spell, this will also be in your spellbook whilst a sentry exists, cast this and the sentry will detonate; dispelling magic, dealing a large amount of health and magicka damage, as well as giving you a dark charge if at least one enemy was successfully hit. However, in order for the sentry’s damage to effectively pierce your enemies’ minds, you must be undetected by the enemies that are caught in the explosion. (Example/hint: Place one down ahead of time and lure enemies to it by making noise) Only one sentry can be placed at a time, recasting will dispel the previous one.











