




KAGIC is a mod that adds machines to your Minecraft world that let you harvest your own servants and soldiers from the ores in the ground.


KAGIC lets you create up to nine different kinds of servants, called "gems", each variation of gem can do different things for you. Here is a list of gems and their purposes:


The Ruby is a very common and versatile gem that will follow and defend you from hostile mobs and anything with the intent to hurt you. The more they are hit, the stronger they get, and they have innate fire powers.

石英Quartz 是一种增强版的红宝石,几乎是不可战胜的。他们有三种不同的物种,紫水晶,它们有闪电般的力量,Jaspers,有强大的效果的攻击,卡内基,这只是一个爆炸,和玫瑰的夸脱,治愈附近的玩家和宝石。

The Quartz is a beefed up version of the Ruby that are nearly invincible. They come in three different species, Amethysts, which have lightning powers, Jaspers, which have powerful area-of-effect attacks, Carnelians, which are just a blast, and Rose Quartzes, which heal nearby players and gems.


The Peridot is a useful gem that helps manage Kindergartens (where you create your gems) by automatically taming gems for you and telling you where you can make the best gems. When equipped with a hoe, Peridots will harvest and replant nearby crops.


The Pearl is a multicolored gem that carries a chest inside of it. With a Pearl, you can have multiple inventories that follow you and pick up nearby items. They also have customizable outfits, hair, and colors.

青金石Lapis Lazuli是一个你可以乘坐的飞行宝石。当装有锄头的时候,lapis lazulis将会在附近的农田里浇水。

The Lapis Lazuli is a flying gem that you can ride. When equipped with a hoe, lapis lazulis will water nearby farmland.


The Sapphire is a gem that can predict the future and give you good luck.


The Bismuth is a tall and powerful gem that automatically smelts the items you right click it with.


The Topaz is a powerful warrior gem that can fuse and will have much in store for it in the coming updates.


The Aquamarine is a flighty fairy gem that follows you and makes mockery of your enemies.


The Rutile is a bright gem that leaves trails of light to guide you on your travels.


The Zircon is a lawyer. I rest my case.


The Slag is a hostile reject gem that your Peridots will make short work of the moment they see it.



