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文明6 世界地图MOD;国外玩家Gedemon制作了一个真实地球的地图包,可以说它是世界地图的文明6转换版本。并没有经过进一步的测试,如果执意要试的话,也请记得先把画质调到最低级别。作者本人已经用它和32种文明打了500多轮了,而且没有死过机。作者电脑显卡6GB几乎全负荷运行,他的电脑配置:处理器i7 4770K,显卡GTX980 ti,内存16G。



2.复制全部文件到我的文档My GamesSid Meier's Civilization VIMods






Beta .1 changelog添加tomaltachpaulson澳大利亚城市地图为巨人地图(GEM)将巨人堤道,Eyjafjallajokull和Lysefjorden自然奇观添加到所有基地图为DLC城市国家设置种族,调整东澳大利亚和新西兰在创业板,改变俄罗斯,非洲,南美洲在创业板上的河流地图,改变非洲的大湖泊地位,在最大地图上改变香港TSL。添加对资源布置规则的检查,改变巴西,俄罗斯,布宜诺斯艾利斯,首尔和多伦多的TSL在GEM,修正塔那那利佛参考添加tomaltachpaulson罗马城市地图北非打欧洲再;添加brick623东欧的城市地图在GEM,删除规则集以修复各种问题,以前的设置现在由多个独立的mod组件添加。添加选项只使用通用城市名称(没有公民的具体名称)与真正的城市名称选项,重新组织GamePlayText.xml(按区域,不需要通过该文件中的地图区分城市名称),修复被特定名称替换的几个通用名称,调整首尔和仁川的城市地图在巨型地球地图。在希腊使用_EURO后缀来区分城市“Thebes”的本地名称标签改变波兰和国的创业板上的TSL,以跟随城市地图位置修复Giant Earth City地图文件中的缩进调整奥克兰TSL以适应城市地图在CS mods中修复悉尼标记的错别字调整悉尼TSL在CS mods以适应城市地图,仅保留由CS mod添加的CS的TSL,以防止在主mod中定义的未经修改的CS的正确位置的重写。


WARNING : this version will break games saved with previous version, finish any previous game before updating.

Beta .1 changelog

add tomaltachpaulson Australia city map for the Giant Earth Map (GEM)

add Giant Causeway, Eyjafjallajokull and Lysefjorden natural wonders to all base maps

set ethnicity for DLC City States

tweak eastern Australia and New Zealand on GEM

change river maps of Russia, Africa, South-America on GEM

change great lakes positions in Africa

change Hong Kong TSL on Greatest Earth Map

add a check for resource placement rules

change TSL for Brazil, Russia, Buenos Air, Seoul and Toronto on GEM, fix Antananarivo reference

add tomaltachpaulson Roman city map for North Africa on Play Europe Again

add brick623 city map for Eastern Europe on GEM

remove rulesets to fix various issues, the previous settings are now added by multiple independent mod components.

add option to use only generic city names (no civ-specific names) with the real city names option

reorganize GamePlayText.xml (by area, no need to differentiate city names by map in that file), fix a few generic names that were replaced by a specific name

tweak city map for Seoul and Incheon on Giant Earth Map

differentiate local name tag for the city "Thebes" in Greece using _EURO suffix

change TSL for Poland and China on GEM to follow the City Map positions

fix indentation in Giant Earth City Map file

tweak Auckland TSL to fit the City Map

fix a typo for Sydney tag in CS mods

tweak Sydney TSL in CS mods to fit the City Map

keep only TSL for the CS added by the CS mod to prevent the overwrite of correct positions for unmodded CS defined in the main mod
